Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Cunha
Assistant Professor, UFPE / Visiting Researcher, UMA
Principal investigator
Assistant Professor at the Department of Communication (DCOM/UFPE) and permanent researcher at the Graduate Program in Communication (PPGCOM). Doctor in Contemporary Communication and Culture at the Federal University of Bahia (PosCom/UFBA). His investigation focuses on digital journalism, data visualization and editorial design.
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Prof. Dr. Bella Palomo
Full professor, UMA
Research supervisor
She has been a journalism professor at the Universidad de Málaga since 1998. She was also a Communication and Multimedia consultant at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and worked for ten years as a journalist at Diario Sur. His lines of investigation are centred on new journalistic routines, online information, participatory journalism, editorial design and disinformation. Author of the book El Periodista Online: de la revolución a la evolución (2004), she has written numerous articles linked to online journalistic design, the relationship between the internet and journalists, and the challenges of active audiences. She is a member of eight national and international research projects. She has been a visiting professor at the universities of Washington, Rutgers (USA), Federal University of Bahia (Brazil), Shanghai (China) and Miami. She was the Graduate Studies in Journalism coordinator, Academic Secretary, Vice-Dean of Business, Infrastructure and Quality and Director of the Journalism Department at the Universidad de Málaga.
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